Archive for August, 2012

Good Day Nature Lovers,

Some wawnderings to share. From my journal on June 14, 2012, during a week long stay on the Oregon Coast at Arch Cape:

“Nice solo walk on the beach.   Seams. Edges and transitions create seams.

Grand wilderness beyond words

Ocean ever flowing”

Sea to sand, sand to rocks, rocks to mountains, transitions form seams.  A seam creates connection. Transitions are seams are connections that hold the world together.


From my journal on August 8, 2012, while on a solo camping trip in the Olympic National Forest:

“Awesome Day…difficult Tunnel Creek Trail hike rained out.  Checked book and choose Murhut Falls Trail.  Easy .8 mile walk to a beautiful isolated waterfall and…

All Alone In The Wilderness!

Nervous Spooky gives way to gratitude and openness…relax


SEAM: Simple Experience Arouses Meaning


Transitional seams also exist in the mind. They assist in making sense of the world, creating connections, and keeping it simple.

But simple isn’t easy.

Simple is actually very difficult.  Simple requires letting go.

Whenever I let go of expectations, of trying too hard, of trying to conquer, of trying to prove I’m worthy,

I find peace in my connection to nature’s wonders.

Fortunately, on this day alone in the forest,  I was able to let go.

Simply and laughing

I find peace in wilderness

Nature as soulmate

Wishing you solo time in nature,

Be Well

Chris Kanit

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Wawnder means to walk with awe and wonder.  To experience the childlike amazement of discovery in the wonders of nature. To walk with the intention of being curious, excited and delighted at the sights and smells of nature. To find the extraodinary in the ordinary.  Wawndering is the connection that keeps alive the realization that we are nature;  not visitors or passengers, we are of the natural world.

As David Suzuki reminds us in his book  The Sacred Balance  “The heart of this book is the scientifically supported fact that each of us is quite literally air, water, soil, and sunlight….We are the air, we are the water, we are the earth, we are the sun.”

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